Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dental implants are easy!

Many of my patients are nervous about getting dental implants placed in their jaw.  Often, they put off treatment for months or even years, perhaps hoping that a new tooth will miraculously appear in their mouth when they awaken.  Their fear of the surgery or their fear of post-surgical pain holds them back.   I like to call my patients the day after surgery and ask them how they are doing.   Nine times out of ten they tell me they're doing great.   They are NOT taking the prescription pain meds (only the Advil) and they aren't in excruciating pain.  Many times the patient disregards my instructions, and they are out in the garden working or perhaps going to gym class! 
When a bad tooth is removed from the mouth, there is frequently an open sore that has to heal.   The blood needs to solidify in the extraction socket, and the gums have to grow over the opening at 1/2mm to 1mm per day.  If the blood clot is lost, then the bone is exposed to the oral environment.   All these processes make healing after an extraction difficult.  

When an implant is placed using a closed surgical technique, there is no open sore.   The gums are a little sore, and the bone feel tight like there is pressure inside.   Because of this, most patients do very well after surgery.   On occasion, a patient will have more inflammation than expected.  I've always been suspicious that they didn't follow my protocol for Advil as I prescribed, maybe delaying their first dose until the following day when they actually feel sore.  At this point, they just have to tough it out.  Fortunately, even without Advil, the inflammation will subside and the soreness will go away.   My implant patients routinely return after their tooth is restored to have more implants placed later.  I think that is the best thank you that any patient can give a dentist! 

Austin Smile Center has the best prices on dental implants.   Hopefully that takes away one more fear that keeps you from getting the treatment you deserve.  For more information visit  austin smile center

Greg Watson, DDS

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