Thursday, May 1, 2014

Brushing and flossing

Growing up, I can always remember the lessons in my grade school health classes telling me that I should brush for the length of a song.   The teacher went over flossing, too, not that I ever did it.   I never flossed (despite my juvenile gingivitis).  Dental school and seeing all the gum disease out there changed that in a matter of months!  

The ADA has now changed its protocol for home care.  Adults should now brush for two minutes, floss, and then brush again for two minutes.   Two minutes just happens to be the run time for a Sonicare toothbrush.  Coincidence?  I think not.  The Sonicare is the #1 recommended powered brush in the USA.  The ADA is also recommending that you do not rinse your mouth before flossing.   I've always said that flossing that fluoride in between the teeth is the only way to get fluoride there.  You can't "swish" fluoride in between your teeth, and you can't "brush" fluoride in between your teeth.   Why do so many of my patients that floss daily still get cavities in between their teeth?  Its because they're not getting the fluoride to the parts of the teeth that need it. 

Also, the ADA says that flossing with a little toothpaste pushes the toothpaste under the gumline.  This allows the abrasivity of the toothpaste to remove more biofilm (bacteria).  That makes sense to me so I'll go with their recommendation, even if it is for a slightly different reason.

So,  what are my recommendations?   Brush 2 minutes and spit (no rinse).   Floss, floss, floss, Spit.   Brush again for 2 minutes and spit (no rinse).  Do not rinse out all that fluoride.   You need to give it time to soak in and do its magic.   If you have to rinse, if you can't stand that grittiness, then rinse with a fluoride-containing rinse.   All the major brands have a flavor with "anti-cavity" protection.   

About mouthrinses:  I am not a fan of them.  If you are brushing and flossing properly then I don't believe you need to routinely use a mouthrinse.   Now if I am feeling sick and I have a sore throat I will use a bit of Listerine for a day or two, but I do not use them daily or even weekly.
If you have any questions, feel free to visit my website and shoot me an email.

Greg Watson
Austin Smile Center

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